About the artist
Mary Moynihan, MA, she/her, is an award-winning author of novels, poetry, films and plays, and a creator of art and photography. Mary is from Dublin, Ireland. Mary has garnered much acclaim for her plays, poetry, films and novels and for creating interdisciplinary artworks combining writing, photography and painting presented in galleries and online.

About the Website
Though this space you can view and buy Mary’s artworks. Mary writes books, poetry, plays and films. Mary writes fiction for young people and adults featuring stories of courage, laughter, tragedy, happiness, love, death and action-packed adventures. Mary is the author of a series of articles and reflections on creativity, leadership and success and on equality, human rights and diversity. Mary is a painter and photographer with a special gift for combing landscape imagery with poetical reflections. As a photographer and painter, Mary has a passion for nature, landscapes and people, dedicating her career to creating unique and powerful images that capture the beauty and mystery of the incredible Irish landscape and its inhabitants. Nature and the sea, stars and sky alongside stories of bravery, passion, desire and adventure are a driving force behind Mary’s work, creating some of the finest writings, photography and paintings on what it is to be human and a search for meaning-making in life.
Get in touch
Mary Moynihan MA
Writer of Novels, Poetry, Films, Plays, Creator of Art & Photography. Creative Reflections on Arts, Creativity, Equality, Leadership and Self-Esteem. Keep in touch with Mary on:
+ 00 353 (0) 87 7438722
For Media and PR Requests:
Freda Manweiler – Artistic Director + CEO, Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality, Dublin, Ireland Artistic Curator, Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival.
+ 00 353 (0) 87 2214245